
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Meet Ms. Daisy Up There

My favorite hot air balloon for this year's everything that flies
during the 17th Philippine Hot Air Balloon Fiesta in Clark, Pampanga.

I'm so happy I captured her during the preparation...

Slowly she gets up...

and flew away from the great weather and atmosphere...

She gave so much smile to everyone :)


  1. That is a cute hot air balloon. Never seen one before like that.

    <a href=">Mine is here</a>

  2. Funny post, - great colours!
    Happy Friday to you!

  3. Waaaaah, I'm so envious! I couldn't convince my husband to go last weekend because we had just gone out the weekend before. I'm going to make the arrangements for next year early. I really, really want to go.

    Cute balloon!

  4. Beautiful hot air balloon.

    Regards and best wishes

  5. Who wouldn't love a giant daisy? I would love to photograph some images while drifting through the air. How fun would that be? Happy skywatching and have a blessed week-end.
